Gwalia Open Results

by | Jun 18, 2020 | Blog

On Saturday 13th June, the Scottish National Team competed in the Gwalia WSDC Online Debate Open, an online competition run by our friends in the Welsh National Team.

This was an exciting and high-quality tournament with teams including the Dutch, South African, Welsh, Taiwanese, Slovenian, and German national teams.

Team Scotland did exceptionally well, winning all of our debates, breaking third, and winning the Silver Final. Additionally, the team did not drop a single judge over the competition. This was a marvelous result for our first competition as a team- only a week after speakers were selected at trials!

Team Scotland would like to congratulate Team South Africa for winning the Gold Final and thank all the organizers for the hard work they put into making this competition happen!

The motions at the competition were:

  • Round 1:
    This house believes that parents should have the right to withdraw their children from all teaching about sex and relationships.
  • Round 2:
    This house believes that Twitter should require individuals to use accounts under their own names.
  • Round 3:
    This house regrets the narrative that hard work will lead to financial success.
  • Final:
    This house would never hold referenda on matters of social policy.

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