Discover your voice with ESU Scotland
Our partners

A unique educational charity and membership organisation dedicated to helping people realise their potential through giving them the skills and confidence in communication to articulate their ideas and share them with others.
Our vision is to provide people in Scotland and internationally with communications skills, confidence and opportunities to engage in an exchange of ideas and opinions. We believe that good communication and cultural exchange is essential to individual, community and global development and understanding. Education is at the very heart of our work.
Central to our mission is a commitment to working with schools and young people to narrow gaps in opportunity and assist in closing the poverty-related attainment gap.


News & Events…
Trustees’ Report for ESU Scotland AGM Wednesday 20th November 2024
Follow this link for a Trustees’ Report for ESU Scotland AGM Wednesday 20th November 2024.
Mr Ronnie Guild Stamp Collection
We are delighted that our Public Speaking Competitions are supported by a generous donation from Mr Alistair Guild in memory of his father, the late Mr Ronald Guild, a long-standing member of ESU Scotland.
Mr Ronald Guild was an avid stamp collector and his son has inherited a very fine collection of stamps from all across the world. Mr Alistair Guild wanted to share this with the wider ESU community as a tribute to his father and also as a way of connecting with the international network of English Speaking Unions.
We have written an article on the life of Mr Ronald Guild and the events that sparked his interest in stamp collecting.
You can read the blog post, and view the stamp collection here.
Do get in touch if you would like to know more about Mr Guild and his stamp collection.
2023/2024 Competitions & Events
Public Speaking Competition
The ESU’s Public Speaking Competition is our long-running persuasive speaking competition.
This year we are running the Public Speaking Competition both in-person and online. Preliminary heats will take place on the 11th & 18th November 2023. More information can be found here.
Schools’ Mace Debating Competition
The ESU Mace is one of Scotland’s most prestigious debating competitions. Schools around Scotland compete for the winning title and a chance to represent Scotland at the International Mace.
This year we are running the Schools’ Mace Competition both in-person and online. In-person heats will take place on the 30th September, 7th October & 4th November 2023. More information can be found here.