Alone we can do so little. Together we can do so much.
- Helen Keller
Sponsors and partners
We are enormously grateful to our funders, partners, sponsors and supporters, past and present.
Thank you!
Aberdeen City Council
Adam Smith Institute
BAA Glasgow Airport FlightPath Fund
Baillie Gifford
Brewin Dolphin Ltd.
Construction Industry Training Board
The Confucius Institute
DLA Piper
Dundee City Council
East Renfrewshire Council
The Edinburgh Alwaleed Centre
Educational Institute of Scotland
Education Scotland
The European Commission
The European Movement
The European Parliament
The Faculty of Advocates
Falkirk Council
Geoghegans Chartered Accountants
Glasgow City Council
Glasgow City Heritage Trust
The Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust
Howard League Scotland
Kraya Digital Technologies
The Law Society of Scotland
Learning and Teaching Scotland
Adam Smith Institute
BAA Glasgow Airport FlightPath Fund
Baillie Gifford
Brewin Dolphin Ltd.
Construction Industry Training Board
The Confucius Institute
DLA Piper
Dundee City Council
East Renfrewshire Council
The Edinburgh Alwaleed Centre
Educational Institute of Scotland
Education Scotland
The European Commission
The European Movement
The European Parliament
The Faculty of Advocates
Falkirk Council
Geoghegans Chartered Accountants
Glasgow City Council
Glasgow City Heritage Trust
The Gordon Fraser Charitable Trust
Howard League Scotland
Kraya Digital Technologies
The Law Society of Scotland
Learning and Teaching Scotland
The MacRobert Trust
The National Archives of Scotland
The National Galleries of Scotland
The National Library of Scotland
North Lanarkshire Council
Orbit Communications
Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center
Renew Physio
The Robertson Trust
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical
Monuments of Scotland
The Royal Society of Edinburgh
Save the Children
The Science and Technology Facilities Council
The Scotsman
The Scottish Government
The Scottish Parliament
The Scottish Poetry Library
The Scottish Qualifications Authority
Stirling Council
The Sunday Herald
The University of Edinburgh
Vacta Ltd.
West Dunbartonshire Council
West Lothian Council
The Williams Charitable Trust
William Grant & Sons Ltd.
The Writers’ Workshop
The National Archives of Scotland
The National Galleries of Scotland
The National Library of Scotland
North Lanarkshire Council
Orbit Communications
Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center
Renew Physio
The Robertson Trust
Royal Commission on the Ancient and Historical
Monuments of Scotland
The Royal Society of Edinburgh
Save the Children
The Science and Technology Facilities Council
The Scotsman
The Scottish Government
The Scottish Parliament
The Scottish Poetry Library
The Scottish Qualifications Authority
Stirling Council
The Sunday Herald
The University of Edinburgh
Vacta Ltd.
West Dunbartonshire Council
West Lothian Council
The Williams Charitable Trust
William Grant & Sons Ltd.
The Writers’ Workshop